The following areas are attributed to the Department of Cooperation, Trade, Crafts and Fisheries:
Cooperation. Building cooperatives within the lines of housing policy. Trade: Exhibitions, fairs, markets, propaganda. Chambers of commerce, industry, crafts and agriculture, in agreement with the Department of business affairs of relative competence. Crafts. Fishing, even in inland waters. The Councilor for cooperation, trade, crafts and fishing is part of the Regional Committee for Credit and Savings.
Positions held:
Project & Business development Manager
June 2005 - April 2006
Reporting directly to the public authority I was responsable for:
- Assignment, as a consultant with experience in project management, in
the planning committee created to analyze the problems of promotion
and international cooperation by the European member states. Technical
assistance on the economic evaluation of project proposals in order to found
the Regional Industrial Districts.